Any brand can take basic first steps to plan & future proof for the introduction of web3 technologies. It's more than just NFTs and Dogecoin. We can explain easy ways to introduce new tools into operations - so you can start benefiting from this new (virtual) world quicker than your competition.

With web3, paid marketing will be increasingly difficult. Brands will need to understand how to build and engage communities organically. Find out how - with a web3 kick-starter from Coopson.

woman in vr headset
guy in vr headset, falling

web3 strategy SERVICES

1:1 KICKstarter session

You’ve probably been hearing the terms blockchain, crypto and NFTs constantly. What you may not know is we're now in the greatest shift of the internet since the birth of social media. It's the evolution known as web3.

We’ll spare you the technical jargon around blockchain tech— instead, our
kick-starter session will provide a primer to web3, and how it’s going to impact marketers and the future of the brand fan.

THE web3 blueprint

Web3 represents the next generation of the internet which in incredibly daunting. With our strategic web3 blueprint, we will provide your business a custom, in-depth strategy that's easy to follow: a complete audit of your brand, a plan of action for every channel & platform, test & learn ideas, measurement & goal setting and implementation strategy.


IT certainly has ITS GIMMICKS.

NFTs and Crypto are just small parts of web3. Web3 marketing requires a new strategic approach. Brands should dip their toe in now. But how?

We say... crawl, take a walk and go for a run later. But have your running shoes ready. While the web3 ecosystem may feel overwhelming, it’s still very very early. Yes, it may seem overly complicated but it's seeping into the web faster than you probably realize -- and has many interesting outputs for brands, products & services.

With many new apps and services launching, this will grow the general user base quickly — making conditions ripe for brands and marketers to develop relationships with customers in new and exciting ways. Crawl now so that you can run (past your competition) later.



At Coopson, we will focus on your objectives, resources, budget and return on investment so we build a blueprint that is custom to your needs. We will show you how to use new web3 focused tactics to help you grow community, build trust with fans and position you as a leader in your industry. Our strategy program is custom built, takes around 21 business days from activation (with two revisions). This will set you up to activate when you are ready to engage.

YOUR CUSTOM Web3 blueprint Includes...

📌 Specific Market & Competitor Research: Helping you find a white space to play through insights & data

📌 Brand Audit: Reviewing your brand, strengths and opportunities for optimization

📌 Messaging & Brand Positioning: Customized brand voice, messaging and positioning guide

📌 Web3 Strategy: A blueprint & overarching strategy -- bespoke to your brand and business needs

📌 Channel Plan: Discord POV, website lead generation, partnerships, community building, influencer & more

📌 Test & Learn Ideation: 10x ideas and plan on how to test, learn and implement basic web3 technologies to grow your business

📌 Measurement Framework: Actionable goal setting for maximum return on investment

📌 Budget & Activation Roadmap: to get you started

📌 User Experience: Ecosystem plan to show how customers will experience your brand

let’s Work together